
The birth of a dream, make his hobby into a business.
The TREDISTUDIO born in 2000 from an idea by Andrea Bertaccini, Alessandro Lucchi and Cristiano Biserni and the desire to integrate different skills into a single structure that would offer services of Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Architecture, Furniture, Communication, but especially three-dimensional graphics, modeling, animation, and postproduction.
Combining enthusiasm and passion to the technical skills and attention to the customer, the TREDISTUDIO managed to hit targets production quality of the highest level.


Customer satisfaction is our primary goal
Our passion for this work, the quality of its products and above all the attention to customer requirements and the timing has led us to work closely with several top brands in the design sector, furniture, communication and fashion such as:


The enthusiasm for this work brings us to confront to push beyond our capacity, and "sometimes" it is recognized there.
